Case Study 01 — Sidestepping the real issue
Released poor code and buggy features, and when an uncaught bug occurs, try to blame the co-developer or client for not understanding how it works, completely avoiding responsibility.
Case Study 02 — Immature team & product
A group of engineers enthusiastically dream of and build a SaaS to support B2B as a cash cow, but they never properly plan or establish a solid foundation. For example,
- neglect custom error handling
- produce unclear and poor documentation
- create buggy SDKs or fail to provide any packages
- and only offer few connectivity despite the need for a mobile app and other integrations.
Additionally, API token generation can only be done with the help of an engineer rather than through the provided dashboard.
Moreover, the API tokens expire, causing numerous side effects.
Case Study 03 — Obsessed with own methods
Software development is an industry with a variety of opinions, where Team A may approach tasks in one way, while Team B may take a different approach to achieve the same result effectively and efficiently.
However, when two teams collaborate towards shared goals, they should ideally adopt similar approaches that align with those goals. In my personal view, technology should fundamentally make life easier and serve the needs of customers, stakeholders, and even developers, rather than complicating matters with over-engineered solutions for unclear purposes.
Case Study 04 — Obsessed with the “Hammering skills”
Thinking about becoming a coder?
Watch this to get it right
and stop boasting about your so-called “hammering skills.”